Consumer IoT Applications

What exactly is consumer IoT? (CIoT)

The consumer Internet of Things category includes IoT applications such as hardware and software systems that consumers can access and use. Each IoT device has a UID (Unique identification) to make it easier to identify and access the devices.

The Internet of Things connects these devices to protocols and standards. These protocols provide high-security performance and dependability. This facilitates data sharing and communication from one device to another via a standard computer.

Consumer IoT is primarily divided into two categories:

IoT for individuals

Personal IoT devices, such as watches and phones, fall under the personal category of consumer IoT.

They include smart shirts, smartwatches, wearables, smartphones, and other devices.

IoT in the home

Smart Home refers to home appliances that operate within an IoT ecosystem. These devices can connect to the internet, sense their surroundings, and retrieve data from other devices all at the same time.

Devices in smart homes include smart TVs, smart ovens, smart geysers, smart refrigerators, thermostats, voice assistance, security systems, lighting controllers, and family entertainment devices.

The evolution of the general consumer IoT

Consumer Applications of IoT are proving to be a massive market with a large number of sales. The majority of purchases are for smartwatches, electronics, television systems, virtual reality, and health monitoring. IoT simplifies people’s lives, and more people are purchasing devices to control and track their lifestyles.

The IoT market has enormous potential, but competition is fierce. Several technological firms are providing IoT-based solutions for cities, industries, offices, and homes. They make use of technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, 5G, big data, and edge computing.

With applications such as personal asset tracking, home security, smart cities, and smart wearables, consumer IoT is setting the standard for market dominance.

According to a Global Consumer IoT market report, the consumer IoT market will be worth 153.80 billion US dollars by 2026. By 2023, home automation devices with security, remote management, and smart energy will dominate the IoT market.

Home security and safety

Smart homes are one of the most popular applications of the Internet of Things. IoT manages the entire home operation, reducing the need for maids, cooks, and drivers.

IoT monitors your arrival time and adjusts the house’s temperature and lighting accordingly.

It heats the food, plays light music, and does a variety of other things.

An IoT kitchen can prepare meals based on your preferences and health requirements.

IoT looks after children at home by tracking and monitoring their movements and food consumption.

It sends out alerts in the event of an emergency.

It also secures and protects your home 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It detects physical movements at boundaries and sounds an alarm if there is any suspicious activity.

Work and office setting

The use of IoT in the workplace saves time and money.

IoT devices in meeting rooms record meetings, take notes on important bullet points and automatically send a copy of the briefs to each client in the room.

Before the meeting, it adjusts the temperature of the board room, turns on the lights, and prepares the presentation.

It sends notifications and alerts for upcoming deadlines, important events, and conferences.

IoT can track company growth and progress, calculate net profits and losses, and forecast the brand’s or company’s future.

It can calculate market trends and assist businesses in producing better products and goods.

Entertainment and way of life

The Internet of Things has had a significant impact on many countries’ nightlife. The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to become a critical technology in attracting tourists and customers.

Hotels, bars, and restaurants are using Internet of Things-enabled devices to track their customers’ preferences to provide better services. As a result, the overall brand identity is improving.

Iot-sponsored guides can help you find the best places in town to spend an enjoyable evening. They will lead you to your destination and provide you with information about the location.

With the help of IoT, vacation planning has become much easier. IoT analyzes your budget and preferences and recommends destinations accordingly. It organizes hotel reservations and popular tourist attraction tickets to save time and confusion.

Personal Assistants

Google Assistant, Alexa by Amazon, and Siri are all popular personal assistants. These assistants are Internet of Things (IoT) devices that can detect human voice and convert it into electrical signals, which the devices can then understand and respond to.

IoT assistants can perform a wide range of functions. They can play music, tell the temperature, calculate numbers, list out a dish’s recipe, set alarms, and reminders, and generate information on any subject.

It generates accurate and precise responses by utilizing location sensors, tracking software, GPS, mobile phone apps, Radio Frequency ID, networks, and protocols. This is the power of the Internet of Things. It makes people’s lives easier and more enjoyable.

Intelligent Wearables

Wearable technology is becoming increasingly popular around the world. Smartwatches, Bluetooth key trackers, smart belts, GPRS body control, smart earphones, and smart finger devices are examples of these devices.

Smartwatches monitor your health and keep track of your daily steps, calories, and heart rate. Customers buy fit bands and smart wristwatches to track their health and calorie intake.

Smart devices can be worn as a piece of jewelry or implanted in your body.

The devices are constantly transmitting and receiving data over the internet.

Medicine and health-care services

Patients suffering from chronic diseases such as kidney disease and autoimmune disease can consult their doctors remotely, ask questions about medications, and avoid leaving their homes.

Online portals collect patient information, which doctors can then access. This is an electronic health record, and it is a prime example of an IoT application.

IoT changes the baseline of healthcare and makes it easier to heal patients. IoT also significantly reduces the workload of doctors and nurses.

Tracking of Personal Assets

Asset tracking is a popular and growing IoT consumer application. Asset tracking allows users to monitor the status and condition of their assets. These assets include their pets, vehicles, homes, and household items.

LPWAN technologies such as LoRa, NBC, SigFox, and others can be used to track any of one’s possessions.

Caring for the elderly

Technologies such as motion sensors, microphones, and monitoring systems allow people to care for elderly relatives from afar. The young family member may not always be available to care for the elderly, but they can monitor their loved ones’ health status from afar at any time.

IoT applications provide elder care and support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Remote patient monitoring in consumer healthcare

At any given time, doctors and medical personnel are responsible for more than one patient. When a patient’s condition deteriorates, it becomes difficult to keep track of other patients. IoT provides solutions such as remote monitoring, which eliminates the need for a doctor to be physically present to check on the health of a patient who is not in a critical condition. In the event of an emergency, the IoT systems monitor the patient’s blood and glucose levels and notify the doctor. This allows doctors to concentrate their efforts on patients who require immediate attention.

Interoperability of Health Records

The Internet of Things has enabled the recording of every patient’s health information for future use. As a result, every time a patient visits the doctor, his file details already contain his health information, and the patient does not need to waste time filling out forms every time he or she visits the doctor.

EHR (electronic health records) are online portals that record and monitor each individual’s health status. EHR stores information in the cloud, allowing patients to remotely monitor and record their health status.


Individuals and young adults nowadays lead extremely hectic lives. When compared to previous generations, this generation has a lot to keep up with. Amid the chaos, people find it difficult to check on the well-being of their loved ones.

IoT provides systems for monitoring and recording the movements of infants and elderly family members. Sensors and webcams are examples of IoT devices. In the event of unidentified activity, a smartphone application sends out an alert.


As previously stated, the internet of things is a thriving technology with numerous consumer applications. It is reasonable to expect that consumers will benefit from the global rise in IoT technology.

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About the Author: Prak