The only legal way to buy real Instagram followers is through Facebook ads. Learn how to use Facebook Ads to grow your audience and gain real Instagram followers.
You’ve come to the right place if you’ve ever wondered how to get or buy real Instagram followers, or why you’re not getting followers through your existing Facebook Ads campaigns.
How to Get Genuine Instagram Followers Using Facebook Ads
The only legal way to buy real Instagram followers is through Facebook ads. Learn how to use Facebook Ads to grow your audience and gain real Instagram followers.
You’ve come to the right place if you’ve ever wondered how to get or buy real Instagram followers, or why you’re not getting followers through your existing Facebook Ads campaigns.
You’ll need the right campaign settings and a lot of data if you want to gain Instagram followers with Ads.
If you don’t have the right settings and want to gain more followers, you might end up spending a small fortune to gain only a few lucky followers.
Optimizing for followers is a Facebook Ads strategy reserved for Instagram users looking to increase their follower count.
And in this article, we’ll take a closer look at this phenomenon.
But keep in mind that, while this guide is specifically for gaining real Instagram followers with Facebook Ads, it may not be the best strategy for you.
More Instagram followers and Facebook page followers have numerous advantages, but this is not the strategy you need if your goals are different.
If you want clicks, sales, or other custom conversions, selecting these options in this guide for your Facebook Ads campaign will lead you astray from your true objectives.
With our Facebook Ads guide, you can learn how to increase sales.
This method is not meant to supplement your existing campaigns; rather, it is a stand-alone strategy.
However, if you want to grow real Instagram followers, this Facebook Ads guide is for you.
First, consider the advantages of having genuine Instagram followers for your social media marketing strategy.
Learn more about the advantages of Facebook Ads.
10 Advantages of Genuine Instagram Followers
An audience with whom you can communicate regularly
Promote your most recent updates.
Increase your sales.
Drive interested visitors to your websites and landing pages.
Increase your credibility and authority.
Introduce new concepts to a pre-existing audience.
Find out who your target audience is and what kind of content they like.
Make money from your audience (influencer marketing)
An audience eager to hear from you
Effective remarketing
Why Do Genuine Instagram Followers Matter?
There are numerous strategies and methods for gaining fake Instagram followers to increase your perceived influence, but doing so will only harm your brand and business in the long run.
While gaining genuine followers may be time-consuming and costly when using the method described in this article, the benefits are well worth it.
For example, if you build a brand with fake followers, you will only lower the value of your brand and its future potential.
As for audience data, because you’ve inflated audience data with fake followers, you’ll have a difficult time discovering your loyal audience and what they truly enjoy.
Fake followers who interact with content are especially dangerous.
For example, suppose you purchase a phony follower package of 1000 followers who interact with your content over the next few months. Any real follower engagement data gained during such campaigns would be lost.
And the fake followers are always robotic (even if they are real people), resulting in predictable behavioral patterns that the Instagram algorithms are sure to detect.
Fake followers will lower your engagement rates and reduce your chances of gaining genuine Instagram followers in the future.
Always strive to build a genuine and engaging Instagram audience. Otherwise, you’re creating a profile with nothing to give and nothing to offer.
An audience of 100 is preferable to a fake audience of 100,000. Your future and genuine potential followers will always be able to tell whether your audience is fake or not.
And, if you’re trying to build a long-term business, a phony following today may have an impact on your ability to create valuable interactions with others in the future.
But now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s look at how to get real followers with Facebook Ads.
How to Get Genuine Instagram Followers Using Facebook Ads?
First, let’s get the method’s prerequisites out of the way:
Have an active Facebook ad account or Business Manager Account Instagram Business profile, as well as a Facebook Page Pixel installed (learn more here)
Have a sizable Instagram following already (the more, the better)
We’ll also go over an alternative if you’re just getting started with gaining Instagram followers or are simply curious.
There is currently no campaign setting that allows for the direct use of Facebook Ads to gain real Instagram followers in an optimized manner (like tracking conversions and optimizing for a converting audience or a Facebook page-like campaign). This may change in the future, and we will update this article accordingly.
The method necessitates that you analyze your follower data on a campaign or ad-by-campaign basis. What we mean is that you can’t automate the process as much as you can with a traditional conversion-based campaign.
The following are the steps to get real Instagram followers using Facebook Ads:
Create a Custom Audience Instagram Page
Instagram lookalike audiences are created.
Creating a Facebook Ads campaign and modifying the ad set settings
Ad creation for Instagram
A/B tests are used to improve results when tracking performance.