Internet of Things (IoT) Architecture

In this essay, we’ll go over the basic definition of IoT before delving deeper into IoT architecture. We’ll look at a reference architectural model and see how two different architectures can be connected.

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

The Internet of Things is influencing our daily lives. It accomplishes this by altering the operation of devices. In today’s world, not only are computers and mobile devices connected to the internet, but also everyday objects like televisions, geysers, microwaves, cameras, sensors, and air conditioners may store and transmit data.

Until recently, the internet allowed humans to communicate with one another, but now that the Internet of Things has been discovered, appliances can communicate with one another by sensing their environment.

To demonstrate this, consider the following scenario:

A smart coffee machine with IoT comes on automatically when your alarm goes off in the morning, and a hot cup of coffee is waiting for you at the kitchen counter.
Let’s say you go for a morning walk; IoT in geysers warms the water, and IoT in the microwave warms your lunch.
By the time you return from your walk, all of the devices will have completed their tasks.
What if I told you that at the push of a button, all of this and so much more is possible? Isn’t it crazy?

Architecture for the Internet of Things

The transmission of information or data from sensors to huge server clouds is referred to as IoT architecture. The sensors are attached to the “things” and collect data from the environment. To generate the necessary outputs, large cloud servers perceive, store, and process the incoming data. To start a chain reaction, data is delivered back over the clouds to the “objects.”

When large volumes of data are incorporated into a network framework, a correct architecture is required to govern data flow, send and receive signals, perform computations, and manage storage.

When it comes to the Internet of Things environment, there is no universally accepted architecture. Every production business has its own set of standards depending on its own needs and requirements. Three main layers make up the generic IoT architecture.

When designing a model architecture, we must usually keep in mind that we must accommodate a wide range of alternatives. Different industries have different needs, and the architecture is created around them.

As a result, a universal architecture must be a generic pattern that meets the basic needs of the majority of users. The acceptable architecture must be capable of supporting a variety of protocols and network applications.

In addition, standard requirements like security, portability, dependability, and structure must be checked into the architecture to ensure that the data received is protected.

IoT Architecture Stages

The IoT architect is responsible for creating the content of an IoT system. It uses a network of IoT devices and servers to deliver services.

The steps of an IoT architecture are as follows:

Stage 1: The Perception Layer

First, there’s the perception layer, which includes IoT devices like sensors, actuators, and machines that can sense, calculate, and communicate with other devices. Sensors detect physical changes in the environment and collect data. This layer is referred to as the client-side since it corresponds to the client’s location or address.

The aggregation layer or the IoT gateway receives the collected data. The data is combined and computed in this layer. This layer is controlled by operators, and it involves servers.

Stage 2: Connectivity or Transport Layer

Essentially, this layer carries data. It sends physical data from sensors and IoT devices to servers and clouds. The generated responses are then returned to the appliances. Transportation occurs either through a network or through gateways.

Data transit is aided by the usage of several technologies. WiFi, Ethernet, Zigbee, Bluetooth, LoRa, and cellular networks are the most frequent.

Stage 3: Event Processing Layer

The event processing layer is the next layer to be constructed on the cloud. It processes the data acquired from the sensor layer and has numerous algorithms and data processing code written in it. It is in charge of gathering all data and information generated by various IoT devices.

Stage 4: API Management Layer

The API administration layer, often known as the application layer, is the final layer. The interface between third-party apps and infrastructure or users is provided by this layer. Device managers, identity, and access managers ensure that the entire system is safe and secure at all times.

Architecture of IoT Devices

The users or clients are typically connected to the operators or engineers through this layer.

The computer layer at the edge or in the cloud

The massive amount of data originating from the aforementioned levels are stored in fog computing. This method examines the data to alter the data in real-time.

Layer of Business

To improve their company strategy, most business models are adapting to IoT technologies. As a result, IoT now controls a significant portion of every company collaboration. The data collected by IoT devices is provided to businesses, which subsequently create products based on the information. The data also reveals what products people want, allowing more products to be developed in response. In the IoT architecture, the business layer is a completely different layer.

Layer of Security

Large volumes of data are transferred from one place to another in IoT devices. There must be a mechanism to assure that data is safe and secure when it is constantly transmitted on such a large scale. Otherwise, hackers may gain access to confidential information, resulting in significant damages.

If you reside in a smart home with IoT technology to safeguard the gates, for example. If a hacker manages to crack the encryption at the gates, they will have easy access to the rest of the gadget, if not the entire house. The user’s life is put in jeopardy as a result of this.

To safeguard the safety of users IoT security is a separate issue. It entails device security, connection security, and cloud security, among other things.

Edge IT

In the IoT architecture, this is a critical layer. This layer interacts with the data stored and collected by IoT devices. It examines the data in preparation for future processing. It takes appropriate decisions to produce suitable outcomes. This layer is normally located far away from the end-user and performs to its greatest potential. Gateways, servers, and limited nodes are all used for edge computing.

IoT architecture components

The following are the main components of an IoT architecture:

  1. Sensing and embedded components: This layer delivers reliable and precise information. It gathers information from the environment.

Even the tiniest changes in the environment are sensed or detected by sensors. Actuators, on the other hand, respond to or act on the signals they receive. Temperature management in smart thermostats, for example.

  1. Connectivity: The foundations of any IoT ecosystem are networking, communication, and connectivity. There is no IoT without device communication and connectivity. IoT protocols are used to move data from one location to another. WiFi, Zigbee, LoRa, and cellular are some of the most common wireless protocols.

Gateways are a type of data transmission that allows data to reach the cloud or servers. Unauthorized access is limited via gateways, which provide security.

  1. IoT cloud: The cloud keeps all of the data that comes in. Data is processed with the help of data analysis, and actions are taken on the data in order to generate a response in the system. When there is a lot of data flowing in from the user, edge computing is used.
  2. Data management: This is a system for storing information and remembering it for future responses.
  • Devices
  • Connectivity
  • Platform
  • Data Analytics
  • Applications

The device layer is the major portion, and it incorporates several apps that have sensors, such as Bluetooth via mobile phones, zigbee via a zigbee gateway, or a Raspberry Pi linked to Ethernet. The communication layer connects all of these devices. Both levels provide a significant amount of data and information.

The bus layer, also known as the aggregation layer, connects the data and communication layers. This layer has an HTTPS server, an MQTT broker, and a gateway that aggregates and integrates data.

The data is driven by the event processing layer, which alters it. The information is saved in databases.

We design a web-based engine that uses client layers to interface with other APIs. The dashboard is located on this layer, and it displays a list of available functions. This layer communicates with the outside world.

How may two or more architectures be linked together?

Device managers allow one architecture to communicate with another. The device manager interacts with devices via a variety of protocols. Cyber security can be provided by the identity and access layer.

ISO30141 is the most widely used IoT Reference framework. It includes a glossary of regularly used terms, reusable designs, best practices, and best safety measures.


We learned a broad definition of the Internet of Things in this essay. We observed the architecture of IoT, as well as the commonly agreed basic levels and phases. We then referred to a reference architecture to gain a sense of how data is processed. Finally, we investigated how two distinct architectures can be linked.

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About the Author: Prak