How to Identify a White Hat Link Building Firm?

In the world of search engine optimization, you can now wear three hats: white, black, and gray, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

However, understanding the differences between them is critical; failing to do so may land you on the radar of a search engine like Google without your knowledge. We will focus more on white hat link building. If you notice that your site’s ranking is dropping, you should investigate the cause, and a penalty checker is an excellent tool for doing so.

Nowadays, SEO agencies are proliferating like cancer, making it difficult to determine which one will provide the white hat technique you require for your website.

As a result, the purpose of this article is to serve as a guideline for you to be able to have a ‘right time spot’ at any hat link building company.

Manually Reaching Out to the Site

The majority of black/gray hat link building companies use the service of purchasing links from a site. As a result, Google and other search engines are notified, which may result in your website being penalized. A white hat link-building company will usually reach out to the site in question to obtain permission to use their links. Building online relationships between your website and other websites based on honesty are critical for strong backlink development, whether you are outreaching or not. If you don’t want to go the manual route, you can use an agency like


Another thump-up feature to look for in any white hat link is the uniqueness of the referring domain. You should disregard a ‘white hat link’ to your website that has the same referring link. This is because frequent use of links from a site causes search engines like Google to devalue subsequent links.

Always inquire whether the white hat link building company has a variety of domains from which to choose to be unique. Furthermore, the link’s placement site is important. A good white hat link should not be placed at the same point as the referring site.

Backlinks are external links that direct visitors to your website. To increase traffic to your site, you create backlinks on other people’s websites or blogs. However, if the linking company relies on black hat links, you may get the opposite of what you expect.

A good white hat linking company is supposed to conduct a thorough analysis of your backlinks to assist you in increasing traffic to your website. There is also what is known as anchor text, which corresponds to what makes your competitors rank higher. A good linking company will also use this to help you rank higher than your competitors.

What Do They Do With Your Anchor Text?

As previously stated, your anchor text directs traffic to your website, which is why a good link-building company should understand how to manage and control it. They must understand how and where to place anchor text on a guest post to obtain high-quality backlinks.

If your anchor text is not well managed and controlled, your site will most likely have an imbalanced distribution of links, with different links directing to the same web page, in addition to low traffic.

The Rate of Success

Another thing to consider is how successful the white hat liking domain is. How many of their links have improved the SEO of any site. As evidence, case studies should be provided. A good white-hat link-building service should offer you a free link. However, don’t rely on it and conduct your thorough investigation; is the referring domain unique? What about the content? “Website of your new link,” and so on. You should be aware that a poorly developed backlink will do more harm than a poorly placed backlink. As a result, conduct a thorough investigation into how the company conducts its business.


Most black hat link-building companies will conceal the process from you and leave you in the dark. A good hat link-building company, on the other hand, allows you to understand how it works. This will give you a better sense of their professionalism, confidence, organization, and so on. Make sure to inquire about the process and determine whether it is a white or black hat link-building company on your own. However, some black companies may allow you to learn about the process. So, be cautious to fully comprehend it.

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About the Author: Prak