You Should Stop Using These Outdated Marketing Techniques

Because digital marketing is always changing and evolving, whether you’re a Chicago web design firm or a Los Angeles-based online bookstore, you’ll need to modify your marketing plan.

Unfortunately, many old marketing tactics are still in use today, even though they have long passed their expiration date.

Marketing initiatives should be reviewed frequently, perhaps monthly, so if you’re slipping behind, now is the time to catch up.

Check out our article to learn which marketing methods you should avoid!

The 11 Techniques That Worked in the Past But Are Now Obsolete

There’s an adage that goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” People who aren’t marketing specialists, which makes up the vast majority of the world’s population, believe that adopting outmoded marketing strategies isn’t a significant concern when, in fact, it is.

The Internet evolves at a rapid pace, with new trends emerging every few months, if not weeks.

The earlier you catch up with these trends, the better your online exposure will be, which means more visitors, higher conversion rates, more income, and a slew of other benefits.

The same may be said about offline marketing, which will also be discussed. To get the best results, you should abandon the following digital and non-digital marketing strategies:

Advertising on billboards

While renting a large billboard in a prominent area is appealing, it is also outmoded and costly.

It’s worth noting that billboards can be a traffic hazard, and they’re visible to everyone, not just your target market.

The topic of tailored marketing will be discussed further in this article, but it is certainly not outdated, as focused ads are the most effective.

Regardless, if you’re spending a lot of money on billboards, you should put that money toward more successful marketing strategies that reach a wider audience and aren’t limited to a single spot.

Marketing via pamphlets, brochures, and other printed materials

Paper form marketing was once prominent, but it is quickly becoming obsolete. Most marketing-related paper items wind up in the garbage, or worse, on the street, parks, or bodies of water.

Spreading rubbish is one of outmoded marketing’s worst achievements, and it should be stopped.

People are uninterested in reading leaflets that they have been given without their consent. They shouldn’t be thrown in the mail or handed out on the street at random.

The only rational method to use paper marketing is to hand it out to those who express an interest in seeing it or who are already interested in purchasing your products or services.

Use of direct mail

Direct marketing of products by door-to-door salesmen or marketers is also a thing of the past. This makes your marketing efforts too broad, and it once again fails to reach your target population.

You are wasting everyone’s time if you offer your services and products to those who aren’t interested, and you may produce the exact reverse of the desired effect on people.

Fake Testimonials or Advertising

Unfortunately, misleading advertising was and still is very prevalent, but any intelligent person can spot it a mile away.

Buying phony reviews or testimonials or manufacturing them yourself is an out-of-date and dishonest marketing strategy. Customers value honesty, integrity, and even morality, thus phony endorsements should be avoided.

A five-star rating for a new product that lacks adequate qualifications or backing is untrustworthy, and most people will ignore it. Even endorsements from strangers or bots aren’t enough to mislead a person twice.

Bots are also becoming a serious problem on all major social media platforms and websites, and they’re simple to recognize and ban.

Constant spamming

Spamming adverts through emails, brochures, or any other means is antiquated, and it achieves little more than mildly aggravating people. Try not to send the same emails or brochures more than once, even if they aren’t identical.

Similar or identical marketing strategies get tedious and have no beneficial impact on individuals. If you’re sending out a newsletter, make sure it’s unique and interesting; reusing content isn’t an effective marketing strategy.

Fortunately, even email providers have built-in anti-spam mechanisms that will send spam emails straight to the trash or spam bin.

Making Cold Calls

Cold calling is no longer acceptable, and properly so. It’s an out-of-date method that leads a lot of people to be confused, anxious, and has the opposite marketing effect.

Some of us loathe talking on the phone with strangers, and learning about new products or services in this manner is usually unsatisfactory and in no one’s best interests.

Because most individuals disregard calls from unknown numbers, cold calling has fallen out of favor. There are a variety of ways to block these types of calls, and if you cold call, you’ll probably only be able to reach the same individual once before they stop returning your calls.

Ignoring Personalization

Personalization is not an out-of-date strategy; on the contrary, it has numerous advantages. It’s a massive waste of money not to use behavioral targeting and customization.

Personalization is a sort of marketing that is very powerful and should be used by consumer businesses to reach their target customers. Ads on social media and web pages that are specifically targeted are a good investment. Additionally, determining your target audience should be a top consideration.

Your marketing initiatives will be considerably more efficient and productive after you reduce the target demographic, and you will be able to earn much more than you have put in marketing.

Ignoring the importance of audio and video marketing

Audio marketing used to be quite popular, and it still is. Even though radio commercials have been around for decades, they are still relevant.

Audio commercials on the internet are very new yet incredibly powerful, as is video advertising. Commercials on television are also effective, but they are quite costly.

Instead, try running short video advertising on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms. Social media is a profitable modern asset that should be fully utilized. These platforms are extremely popular, and almost everyone with internet access uses them.

Consider investing in audio and video marketing online if you haven’t previously. Although radio is a good ad medium, consider podcast advertising and other innovative audio marketing biomes.

Marketing by a Third-Party

Although third-party marketing can be beneficial and effective in some cases, it is not always the case.

Sometimes spending money for an influencer or other social media third-party marketing is preferable to using good old word of mouth marketing and spreading the word through trust-based circuits.

Outsourcing marketing to influencers who are only fairly well-known isn’t always the ideal strategy.

In-house marketing is almost always preferable to outsourcing marketing resources. Even if it isn’t a marketing strategy, you should think about giving the finest product or service available.

If your clients are satisfied, they will spread the word about you for free, which is quite uncommon in marketing. So, give word-of-mouth marketing another chance, and invest in satisfied consumers, because it isn’t and never will be outdated.

Creating meaningless marketing content

It’s never a smart idea to create content for the sake of creating it. You shouldn’t just pump out material and hope for the best if your knowledge, budget, or other resources are limited.

You should create marketing purposes and goals that are clear and simple. Even if you create content slowly and steadily, it will be far more effective than writing endless blog posts, meaningless newsletters, social-network updates, and so on.

Lack of concern for optimization

Even though it’s simple to sense to advertise on mobile websites and applications, mobile marketing is still underutilized. Smartphones and tablets are here to stay. Hundreds of millions of people utilize them.

According to Statista, the number of active mobile devices will reach 15 billion in 2021. Furthermore, mobile devices are utilized more often than desktop computers!

Mobile devices account for roughly 54 percent of all devices, while desktop systems account for 43.5 percent and tablets account for only 2.5 percent of overall device usage, according to Global Stats StatCounter.

Mobile browsers aren’t the only ones that benefit from optimization. Websites are frequently built improperly for desktops as well. As a result, an effective marketing campaign should include website optimization for marketing and promotion across all platforms.


You must be open-minded and willing to adjust to succeed in marketing. Some classic marketing strategies, such as radio commercials and word-of-mouth or referral marketing, are still effective. Some techniques, on the other hand, are already on their way out, and properly so.

Always remember to optimize, personalize, and update your material. If you keep up with the ever-changing marketing trends, your online and offline marketing will benefit greatly. Don’t forget about it once you’ve updated your marketing plan.

To keep ahead of the competition, review your skills regularly.

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About the Author: Prak