Is Social Media a Problem or a Solution?

Everything has two sides to it: good and bad. The thing’s or activity’s purpose is not found in the object or activity itself. It all comes down to how we interpret it. The meaning of an object is heavily influenced by how it is used or misused.

But who has the authority to determine how an object is used? Us. So we may say that we are responsible for the misuse or abuse of an object, and we are also responsible for determining the meaning of an object. As a result, we can never hold the object responsible for the functions it performs or the consequences it causes. The beholder of the remote control is always the one who chooses which channels to watch.

On this basis, we can confidently assert that we have the ability and control to use an object in any way we wish. Having stated that, we shall analyze the effects of social media on humans in this post.

In a variety of ways, social media has changed our lives. Virtual reality, on the other hand, has created a new way of existence that, metaphorically speaking, defies time and place. Every change brings with it a set of repercussions. Following observation and analysis, these repercussions become the result and outcome of an object/activity. Nonetheless, rather than looking for scapegoats, we must constantly accept responsibility for our actions.

Social Media’s Influence

Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and Tumblr are all social media services focused on managing the user’s “image” or “impression.” As a result, users are significantly more aware of their appearance than other users. This kind of self-consciousness frequently leads to a belief in trivial concerns of life. The social activities that people engage in at random become to matter to them.

Everyone is under a lot of stress as a result of this. By simply glancing around and witnessing individuals advance, the observer is reminded of what they are losing in their lives. It causes people to reflect on their flaws and failings, leading to inferiority or superiority complexes.


These issues cause one to create a bubble of life that separates them from their true self (whatever that may be). And the further they are from reality, the more hollow and empty they feel.

This is a common occurrence among millennials, who frequently express feelings of isolation and alienation. What is the explanation for this? Digital platforms have brought individuals closer together while also separating them by erecting a layer of existence that no one appears to be sticking to.

The saddest aspect is that not everyone is aware of the situation’s truth. Younger people are frequently perplexed as to why they feel a certain way, and it’s never easy to pinpoint the source of their distress. They can’t see the big picture because they can’t see the big picture. Plus, they’re just going with the flow and aren’t paying attention to what’s going on around them.

Suggestion for Solutions

All of this begs the question: can social media be utilized to solve a problem rather than cause one? “Yes,” is the straightforward response.

While technology has caused a slew of issues, such as the ones listed above, it has also made life much more fascinating and engaging.

No matter how hard we try to reject the fact that the internet has brought people closer together, we have reached a stage where we can see so many things that we could only dream of happening around us. Whether we’re talking about kids or professionals, social media has made a significant contribution to bringing the world closer together.

When it comes to professional life, marketing has progressed significantly. You may have heard that Mark Zuckerberg was scheduled to testify before the Senate on Facebook’s most recent debacle. Most of the allegations are correct. To control material on the newsfeed, Facebook collects information and private knowledge about a person. Have you ever been looking for a decent vacation place and saw multiple adverts for excursions and travel firms when you signed into Facebook? Facebook keeps track of everything you do and uses that information to serve ads on its pages. Similarly, if you want to build your business, you may use Facebook as a wonderful marketing platform where billions of individuals register to meet their personal and professional needs.

You’ve also made contact with distant relatives and friends thanks to social media. It also keeps you up to date on what’s hot and what’s not. You can join groups and platforms where individuals exhibit their work if you’re an artist. You can also learn about what people in other nations are doing, where technology is headed, and how it is affecting everyday life. You may connect freely with your friends and family without having to make long phone calls. It has evolved to the point that no one can feel socially deprived of knowledge if they use social media.

In conclusion, social media has several problems, but this should not limit its utility. People use it to operate entire businesses, and it allows one to observe how the times are changing. Acting as a responsible individual who is aware of the influences of things is the best way to combat the problems. After that, accept full responsibility for the action taken. Only in this manner can one be sensible while dealing with social media or any future creation.

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About the Author: Prak