What Are Google Stacks and How Can They Benefit Your SEO?

The SEO strategy of Google stack (also known as Google authority stacking) is used to build links. The goal of Google stacking is to promote websites in search results by increasing their rating and adding extra ranking attributes. This technique allows you to link to Google services including Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Sites.

Google Stacking is essentially an enhanced version of an existing SEO approach known as “Web 2.0s.” The primary difference is that instead of connecting to a single content platform and employing spammy connections, websites are now linked to as many distinct Google properties as possible.

It’s also been suggested that Google stacking, formerly known as Domain Authority Stacking, was invented by the Network Empire team in 2014. (DAS).

It’s ideal for individuals who want to build links to their website but are willing to take a chance. Even though Google stacking is a valuable tactic, according to Blue Meta, a digital marketing agency providing SEO services in Vancouver BC, 99 percent of businesses do not employ it.

Google stacks have three main applications:

Creating a network of connections. A backlink to your website is provided by Google.

Promotion of content is important. Google stacks allow you to harness Google’s strength to boost the traffic to a document.

Management of one’s reputation. For a limited time, you can use Google Driver properties to hide unfavorable content about a person or business.

How Are Google Stacks Constructed?

The procedure is divided into four stages:

The first stage is to create advanced Google online assets, such as a Google pdf, a Google public folder, a Google doc, a Google drawing, a Google spreadsheet, a Google presentation, and an embedded YouTube movie.

Then, by constructing a link network, you can employ pre-existing social accounts that you’ve stacked inside Google Drive assets.

Google Drive + and Google Sites are merged into a single Google Drive stack at sites.google.com in the third phase.

The last step is to point five TF 30+ PBN Links to the site.google.com that was generated earlier. This will help to improve the property’s relevance and general trustworthiness.

What Impact Does It Have on Rankings?

This is how Google stacking has a beneficial impact on rankings:

Because Google operates on its platform, Google properties have a high level of confidence.

Google stacking helps to maximize the flow from enhanced properties and increase the website domain authority by developing a highly technical link-building network of Google properties and integrating them into one stacked central website.

Content promotion is aided by Google stacks. You may use this SEO approach to assist your advertising in swiftly climbing the ranking ladder and getting high-ranking positions, which is one of the main aims of any online business.

It aids in the management of one’s reputation. By raising your search engine rating, you may focus your advertising ads on image building. This will assist you in combating unfavorable publicity regarding the services or items you sell.

There are a few other advantages of Google stacks worth mentioning:

Google stacking is an excellent method for experimenting with new markets and competitors.

Because all of the links come from Google-owned sources, Google stacking is a white hat service. This implies that there is no chance of a penalty if you use these links.

The only drawback to Google stacking is that it can be time-consuming because almost all of the work is done manually. All of the content, video, and photographs must be prepared by you, which takes time. At the same time, it all blends to make Google stacking a natural process.

In general, this approach is simple enough that you can perform Google stacking on your own. It is, nevertheless, necessary to be familiar with your market to develop successful stacks. Your website may simply require a tiny stack of links to reach the first page of search results, or you may require a larger stack.


Everyone wants their business and website to be rated high enough on the Internet to stay competitive. The good news is that there are a variety of SEO tactics that can assist you. One of them is Google Stacks, which is a fantastic ranking source for your site. Link building, content marketing, and reputation management can all benefit from Google stacking. It also has a high trust rating, boosts the domain authority of the website, and aids the advertising in climbing the ranking ladder quickly. Even though it is time-consuming, Google stacking can still be done by yourself. If you need expert assistance to improve your results, Blue Meta, a digital marketing agency in Vancouver, BC, is here to help.

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About the Author: Prak