10 Ways to Ensure Your WordPress Site Is Always Secure

WordPress is the most used content management system in the world. You’d desire to have a long-term relationship with this dependable CMS. It is simple to use, has a lot of features, and is quite economical. Its usability is second to none. WordPress, in actuality, is a high-end open-source program with a slew of benefits for its users. In comparison to other CMSs, it is far more useful in the building of websites, apps, and blogs. This platform will always be your constant partner, whether your website is about the latest technology or you enjoy communicating your thoughts in blog postings. It facilitates optimization efforts and fills in the gaps between you and success. Its adaptability will remove hurdles, making ranking your website higher in search engines as simple as A-B-C.

Even though it is beautifully built open-source software, you should be completely aware of any bugs to avoid a foul taste in your mouth. It is occasionally affected by technical barrages, which hurt the website in a variety of ways. If corrective steps are not taken seriously, untimely technical faults lead to dissatisfaction and major problems. How? Consider this scenario: you’ve just woken up, turned on your laptop, and discovered that your website has been hacked by well-known hackers. You’d be concerned with a slew of thoughts right now, hoping you could summon a genie to repair any errors in your requests. Whether we like it or not, perfect security has become a necessity if we want to protect crucial information, identities, and data from digital theft.

Because WordPress is such a large platform, the chance of being hacked is high. But there’s no need to be discouraged since I’m about to reveal 10 foolproof ways to protect yourself against malicious hacking attempts. You may rest confident that you will find a wealth of knowledge to assist you in protecting yourself and your website from all dangers. These tried-and-true strategies will instill in you an unshakeable sense of self-assurance. So, be prepared by following these guidelines:

Unbreakable Passwords and Ironclad Security

By definition, a password is a combination of secret words or a string of characters used to gain access to a certain website, file, or program. The most typical mistake people make, which becomes a tremendous problem, as a result, is failing to create a strong, secure password. The majority of individuals take the strength of their passwords for granted. Making an impenetrable password necessitates extra caution. It necessitates that you exercise extreme caution while creating a password. It is not usually a hacker who does you harm or manipulates you. A website owner is equally responsible for damage caused by indifference or ignorance.

The two excellent approaches for creating strong passwords that you will find enormously intriguing and incalculably useful in securing your online identity and important documents are as follows:

1- In 2008, a security specialist named Bruce Schneier invented the ‘Bruce Schneier Method,’ which involves converting a statement into a password. For instance, we drive to school (Vr!D& c@:2t$c00|).

2- PAO is the abbreviation for (Person-Action-Object). Computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University were the first to apply this method of password generation. It is so handy and simple to use that it only necessitates the application of memorizing techniques. Take, for example, a photo of Donald Trump from your room, where the setting is the Oval Office and the action is Teatime. As a result, according to the PAO Method, the new password will be ‘Donald Trump is sipping tea in the Oval Office.’

Limit the number of people who can log in.

Restricting login limitations is the simplest and most efficient technique to protect the security of your website. It will assist you in preventing unauthorized logins. It will be easy for you to thwart any hacking attempts. Limiting login limits is beneficial to the website since it prevents hackers from breaching security levels. The WP Limit Login Plugin is the most effective technique for blocking brute force assaults on the login page. It immediately blocks IP addresses that exceed a certain number of failed login attempts. It works pretty technically to prevent intruders from gaining access to your account soon after the captcha verification.

Actively monitor WordPress files

Keep a close eye on your WordPress files to prevent hackers from altering them. You can decrease the damage by doing so. For example, if you wish to track modifications made to your vital files by a third party, security ninja pro, which includes Malware Scanner, Event Database Optimizer, and Auto Fixer, is the best solution. It is the best tool for meeting your needs and providing you with peace of mind by protecting your websites from malicious viruses and hacking attempts. Monitoring WordPress files is a cost-effective technique to beef up your website’s security.

Permanent Solution with Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (TWOFA) is the most basic but effective method of preventing brute force attacks. It wraps the extra security layer in a very systematic manner. As a result, you don’t have to be concerned about the hazards posed by hackers and intruders. Because it asks proof of ID, such as secret questions and smartphone-generated codes, Two-Factor Authentication makes it easier to combat rogue elements.

According to Ms. Evelyn Summer, a Harvard graduate and professional essay writer at Top Quality Essays,

“Two-factor authentication (TFA) is a fantastic advancement in information security because this excellent security solution aids in preventing attacks and efficiently repelling hacking efforts. Furthermore, it offers these advantages to users while also providing rock-solid protection against keyloggers, malware, and phishing attacks”:

1- It raises the bar on overall security measures.

2- It lowers the risk of data theft to a bare minimum.

3- It boosts efficiency by allowing users to safely log into a shared database.

4- It is significantly more cost-effective and worthwhile.

5- Make the WP-Admin Directory password-protected and worry-free.

The wp-admin directory is the most crucial directory on a WordPress website. Protecting your website with a password is essential for you or any website owner since it adds an added layer of security. You don’t have to be perplexed as to how it can be accomplished or what instrument should be employed. Simply install the AskApache Password Protect plug-in to protect your site from hackers. It creates. htpasswdfile and encrypts the password while also enabling security-enhanced file permissions for long-term security. Keep an eye on the wp-admin directory since if it is breached, anyone may easily hijack the entire website. Another way to improve security is to use two passwords to access the dashboard.

a) One for Login Page Security,

c) WordPress Admin Area (Other)

Encryption of files with SSL

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) ensures secure data transmission between browsers and servers. On top of that, hackers will find it far more difficult to break into your system or change your data. In reality, securing your admin panel with SSL will be a wise decision. All you have to do now is obtain the SSL certification, which is not a difficult task. Simply request SSL from your hosting company and reap the benefits. The major characteristic of an SSL certificate that will impress you is that it plays an active role in the Google rankings of your or anyone’s website. If your site has SSL, it will rank higher on Google, resulting in more traffic.

Disable File Editing

You’ll save a lot of time if you don’t enable file modification. Why? For example, if a hacker gains admin access to your or anybody else’s WordPress dashboard, he won’t be able to change the files for malicious purposes. It’s not just hackers; any user with easy admin access to the WordPress dashboard can alter files as quickly as typing A-B-C. As a result, make the following change to ensure that your website is completely safe.

if (‘DISALLOW FILE EDIT’, true); if (‘DISALLOW FILE EDIT’, true); if (‘DIS

Make regular backups of your website.

Consider the following scenario: your website has been hacked and you are helpless; what is the final thing you will do? Surely, you will diagnose the problem from the ground up and weed out contaminated files to ensure that your site is free of dangerous viruses and other threats. Regular backups of your website are the best and most cost-effective solution. No matter what happens, maintaining an off-site backup is a proven remedy for consumers. So, if you have a backup on your computer, you may restore your WordPress website to a working condition at any time. UpdraftPlus is a fantastic WordPress plugin that makes it simple to back up your site.

Make the WordPress version number invisible.

Keeping the WordPress version number on your site is akin to giving a stalker your home address. Hackers are those who are well-versed in technology. They are so cunning and well-prepared that they can infiltrate your website simply by knowing the WordPress version number. Finding the current and correct WordPress version number is not rocket science, as it can be tracked using source view. When a hacker learns about the WordPress version you’re using, it’s much easier for him to craft a perfect assault on your website. The majority of people don’t pay much attention to version numbers, however, they can make you vulnerable to hacking. Ignoring this small fact could cost you a lot of money. So, keep the version number concealed and increase your security.

Instead of using usernames, always use email as a login method.

Using an email address instead of a username is a much safer option. Because hackers have a harder time predicting email I.D. than usernames. In fact, before utilizing WordPress, a user must generate an email ID. So, if you want to keep outsiders from causing damage to your website, utilize email login instead of usernames. WP Email Login is the most effective plugin for this. It is practical, cost-efficient, simple to use, and effective for WordPress websites. It also doesn’t require any configuration and starts working immediately after activation.


WordPress is an open-source content management system that is simple to use. It is built on PHP and MySQL and does not require any HTML editing. Furthermore, the functionality of a WordPress site may be readily enhanced by employing plugins. To cut a long tale short, implementing the ten recommendations described in this post correctly will make protecting your website from hacking attempts and other threats as simple as 1-2-3. It will provide you peace of mind and will effectively meet your expectations.

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About the Author: Prak